a journey from the heart

Archive for December, 2011

Winter Solstice

Joyous Yule! I hope this finds your hearth and home peaceful, warm and inviting. It is hard to believe that 2011 has come and gone so fast. The older I get, the faster time flies.

Eugene, Oregon has proven to be all that I imagined, and then some. I ventured here with only an idea of what to expect; two brief, but delightful email correspondences with Nana from my new Sangha (my Buddhist community); my car and what belongings fit inside; two cats; my friend Kendra along for an adventure of her own; and a few thousand dollars. I had never been here (never been to Oregon actually; only ever saw it from the windows of an airplane), knew no one personally, had no place to live, no job…just the faith to follow the synchronicity of information and events that flowed unsolicited into my awareness for the previous two years. Amazing!

I brought in the Solstice Eve with a hike up Spencer’s Butte last evening to watch the sun set over the WillametteValley. Our hiking group consisted of seven brave souls who trekked to the summit through fog and sporadic rain into a shrouded world. Upon arrival we donned extra layers, hats and gloves and jackets, and waited in anticipation of the sunset.

And then the fog rolled out… briefly… revealing the hills and snow-capped South Sisters peaks in the eastern distance, the valley blanketed in clouds below us… and the fog rolled back in. The game of hide-n-seek continued for about ten minutes as we all took advantage of the photo op with digital and cell-phone cameras. Stunning!

Our descent back to our cars was equally surprising. Usually by the time we are half-way down we are enveloped in darkness and create a line of bouncing headlamps, but not this evening. The bare-branched trees allowed more light to reach our path while the fog dispersed that light into a twilight haze, allowing us to reach bottom before complete darkness wrapped its long arms around each of us. Beautiful!

Today the sun is shining quite nicely, the thermometer hovering around 38*F. The much-promised rain of Oregon has remained at bay thus far, but appears ready to make its appearance on Christmas Day. And then I will get to fully experience the wonder of my new home – rain for weeks on end, no sun in sight. I actually find myself quite excited for it; something new to add to the details of my journey.

In Eugene I have found my home, and as I write this I am looking to move my physical location (by Feb 1st) into a more appropriate space for Orion, Thor and me. I have found permanent, full-time employment. I have found my Sangha, and I have found my hiking, camping and all-around outdoor community. I have made a few new, good friends. I have arrived. I am home. The journey continues….

My wish for you and yours ~ May you enjoy the present moment.  It is a wonderful moment.             

Light & Love, Susanna